| Balfour Beatty Morgan Sindall Vinci joint venture |
| ongoing |
| Central London |
| Apr 2012 |
| Current |
VGC has been providing labour to BBMV on the Whitechapel station Crossrail C512 contract since April 2012.

At the end of 2020 our team was involved in completing the remaining physical works, including platform finishes and external concourse cladding.
Our team has won three health and safety awards from client BBMV, in August 2016, January 2017 and May 2017.
VGC is supplying all categories of labour for the project. These include carpenters, steelfixers, scaffolders, machine operators, concretors and general operatives. VGC is also providing M&E personnel including electricians and electrical improvers to enabling works on the existing infrastructure.

To supplement VGC’s core personnel, we have recruited locally. This ensures that local people benefit from the employment opportunities that this important project offers. We have a commitment to increasing the skill levels within the industry, and three VGC apprentices were assigned to this project as part of their training programme.
They included chain person Lee Van Cliff, who started as an apprentice on the project in 2013, and is now a full-time engineer’s assistant.
In July 2014 James Andrews, lead site person in charge, was given a ‘Step Up’ award by the senior management team at Crossrail. They commended the quality of his site briefings, “at a consistently high level”. He “always makes sure [they are] relevant to the works taking place. He also maintains good housekeeping… and warns those entering of the specific risks.” James was subsequently promoted to recruitment co-ordinator, and he is now a VGC labour manager.

Donatas Jausicas, key influencer on the project, was promoted in March 2016 in recognition of his ability to manage people safely. He is now a labour manager.
Donatas was replaced as key influencer on the project by Saqieb Farooq. Saqieb is also a mental health champion and has been made up to site supervisor. In November 2018 he won a safety award from BBMV for spotting loose fixings, and stopping work until the issue was solved.

About the project
BBMV is Balfour Beatty Morgan Sindall Vinci joint venture. On 30 November 2020 the physical works in Whitechapel were marked as completed. The internal, passenger and staff areas of the station were safe and physically ready for Crossrail.

Steve O’Sullivan, BBMV C512 project director, and Dave Lock, Crossrail project manager, said: “Thanks to all the project teams for the effort and hard work in delivering a quality installation.”
The £110 million Whitechapel station contract involves the refurbishment of the existing Whitechapel station. There is also a new station bridge concourse above the East London line, and a new ticket hall behind the current building on Whitechapel Road. The works also include the construction of new shafts and platforms for the Crossrail tunnels and associated works.
BBMV has published a datasheet (pdf) on the contract.