Global temperatures are rising, with 2022 average global surface temperature being the sixth highest since records began in 1880.
The buildings and construction sector continues to account for the largest share in global energy use (37%) and process-related CO2 emissions (34%).

Net Zero Carbon by 2040
At VGC, we want to leave a positive lasting legacy in the areas in which we work, and are determined to reduce our carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the environment.
In line with our clients and the industry, we have set our ambition to go Net Zero Carbon by 2040.
We aim to achieve this through a range of commitments including fuel consumption management, electric fleet, renewable energy sources for our offices and training and development.
Our commitments are outlined in our HSQE policy and supported by our Energy and Sustainability policies.
We currently maintain accredited to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems. We monitor our systems regularly and continue to look at opportunities for continual improvements and to reduce any negative effects on the environment. This is led from an executive level where strategies and objective targets are set.
Our carbon and energy commitments are managed within our HSQE department who are trained Practitioners in IOSH and SEATS.
The measurements above are predictions and will be reviewed on a regular basis to account for any changes in business activity, and legislation changes.
In 2022, we reduced our CO2 emissions by 35%