Kings Cross project

Kings Cross station (Pixabay)
Morgan Sindall
Sep 2018

VGC supports this complex project to renew the track, signalling and overhead line equipment at Kings Cross station.

Heena Chatrath
Heena Chatrath, senior recruitment consultant, is VGC’s account manager for the Kings Cross station project, supplying and supporting a wide range of technical and professional staff.
The assistant project manager said:

VGC has provided competent, reliable and consistent workforce for Morgan Sindall which has been key to the success of the project.

We have supplied the following roles to this project:

  • Construction managers
  • Site managers
  • P6 planners
  • Health and safety staff
  • Site agents
  • Project engineers
  • Possession planners
  • Work integration managers
  • OLE consultants
  • Site engineers
  • SHEQ assistants
  • Project managers
  • Logistics managers
  • Operations managers

The service provided by VGC on this project has been first class. They have provided staff of ample quality, always on hand to answer queries and they hit the ground running when they joined the project.

Principal contractor integration manager

About the Kings Cross remodelling project

The project includes a new track layout, modified platforms, and new overhead line electrification, as well as a new signalling system based at the York regional operating centre. Teams replaced the track, signalling and OLE on the station approach. They also reopened a closed tunnel to provide two additional tracks, and rebuilt the Camden sewer, which now allows trains to travel over it at a higher speed.