Our key influencers are making a tremendous difference everywhere they work.
Since 2012 the number of observations has risen in direct proportion to the number of key influencers on site. And, as shown on the graph above left, as observations (blue) have risen, incident rates (red bars) have fallen dramatically.
As trained workforce champions, our key influencers raise alerts whenever they see excellent practice – or areas for improvement. These are logged as observations, and used to improve safety across all VGC sites.

These graphs prove that our focus on safety is delivering impressive results.
We launched Be Safe by Choice in 2012 with training for all directors and senior staff. Then we trained a number of key influencers – members of the workforce who volunteered to be safety champions. Their three-day training course gives them the skills to observe, engage and coach their colleagues, even in the most challenging circumstances.
They spot and report best practice and areas for improvement. These observations allow us to share good ideas or take action against potential accidents. For example, we have improved site lighting, site housekeeping and personal protective equipment (PPE). A ‘working with plant’ review team worked out a new process to separate people from plant, which we now use on all VGC sites.
Video: key influencer Moynul Islam talks about his role:
See a list of all our trained key influencers.