11 November 2020
ICE renews our graduate training approval
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) has renewed their approval of VGC's graduate training scheme, run by FICE Bob Webb.
19 September 2016
Bobby Hayre, Eng Tech (MICE)
Bobby Hayre, who joined VGC as a graduate engineer, has been accepted as a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. After an interview with the ICE professional reviews panel, they recommended he be accepted as an engineering technician member of ICE. He can now use the letters Eng Tech (MICE) after his name. “The
2 September 2015
ICE Fellowship for VGC director
VGC non-executive director Bob Webb has been accepted as a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers. The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) grade of Fellow is the most senior grade of ICE membership. It is reserved for senior civil engineers who have made a significant contribution to the civil engineering profession, and are engaged