Kim writes:
In July, I supported Ruislip high school with mock interview sessions for year 10 students (aged 15-16).
A number of us from various industries had volunteered to take part in the school’s ‘Inspire the Future’ campaign. The campaign aims to prepare students for their future: this session offered each student an interview with a real employer whom they had not met before.
The school sent me a preparation pack beforehand. It was very thorough, with a suggested introduction, a series of questions, and three optional scenarios. It also asked us to check the students’ CVs.
We were asked to give the students feedback on the their body language, their communication skills, and they way they presented themselves. The idea was to share our views on how best to present themselves to future employers, colleges or universities. It aimed for a positive experience for the students, so we were asked to be as constructive as possible.
The interview day
I interviewed eight students and was very impressed by all of them. Five of them had fully decided on what they wanted to do in the future and how they could achieve this.
However three were still undecided about their ultimate goal. For these students I was able to suggest where they might find information to help their decision-making. Most notably, they impressed me with their confidence and tenacity – a far cry from my 15 year old self!
Engaging with schools
I was pleased to take part in the programme, and I hope to return to the school in the autumn term with one of my ‘women in construction’ workshops.

VGC is keen to engage with schools and educational institutions to provide careers support. As well as my schools visits, we offer work experience for school children, and summer placements for university students.
Read more about our work to support people to join our industry, including apprenticeships, internships and our graduate programme.
If anyone is interested in finding out more about our careers support, please contact me.