John Hannan has been promoted to HSQE director for the VGC Group. Terry Dutton-Wells, our previous HSQE director, is stepping back from his operational responsibilities to become a non-executive director.
A dedicated health and safety expert, with a range of safety qualifications and a wealth of experience, John (pictured left) joined VGC as HSQE manager in March 2012. He quickly became a key part of VGC’s safety management team: “John is absolutely passionate about safety,” says Terry Dutton-Wells.
Terry Dutton-Wells (photo below right) has been at VGC for the last 15 years. Under his direction we developed our ISO 9001: 2008 (quality management systems), ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management systems) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (health and safety management systems) accreditations, to achieve an integrated business management system for the VGC Group. Terry was also instrumental in the creation of our behaviour-based safety programme, Be Safe by Choice. The programme, including the training of site workers as key influencers, has contributed to a sharp rise in near miss and close call reports which help to make site operations safer overall.
Executive Chairman Sean Fitzpatrick said, ”This is a real win for VGC. We’re very grateful to Terry for the time and experience he has given to VGC, and we’re delighted that rather than retiring completely, he will still give us the benefit of his expertise. In John, we have an extremely able safety expert to take on the role of HSQE director, to lead safety in all VGC’s many and varied projects across the UK.”

Sam Purcell, Network Rail HSEA Specialist, said: “John puts the safety of everyone in rail first, and collaborates with partners and even competitors to make sure people go home safely at the end of each shift.”
See more about our HSQE programmes.