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14 February 2018

Why VGC is supporting the ‘Inspire Me’ campaign

Why has VGC become a supporter of ‘Inspire Me’? We know our industry is facing a skills shortage, exacerbated by Brexit and an ageing workforce. Arcadis research suggests that British construction must recruit over 400,000 people every year between now and 2021 to meet its needs. Women make up more than half the UK population. But

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5 April 2016

LSE's '1000 companies to inspire Britain'

VGC Group is included in the London Stock Exchange report ‘1000 companies to Inspire Britain’. This report identifies the UK’s fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To be included in the list, companies needed to show consistent revenue growth over a minimum of three years. They have also all outperformed their sector

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