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15 December 2017

December 2017 company update

At this month’s staff meeting the senior directors looked back at a very successful 2017. Our chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick, thanked everyone for their contributions to the year. He pointed out that everyone’s individual contribution is part of our shared success. The 2017 budgeted sales figure of £76 million was a huge challenge, and it’s remarkable

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11 December 2017

FIR commitment: 'Better for Everyone'

VGC is one of the contractors calling on the construction industry to take a stand on fairness, inclusion and respect (FIR). VGC is proud to be one of the initial 36 signatories to the FIR commitment ‘Better for Everyone’ campaign, which launched this week. With an unprecedented number of infrastructure projects in the pipeline, the

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4 December 2017

A busy December for VGC teams

John writes: December is going to be busy for my teams in the Midlands, working on a number of projects for client Siemens. Blackpool to Manchester NWEP At the moment, people are working round the clock in Blackpool and Manchester. The three-month blockade on the Blackpool to Manchester NWEP (north west electrification project) started in

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30 November 2017

Costain sustainability day

Jimmy writes: I was pleased to make a joint presentation at Costain’s first ever Rail Sustainability Day. Costain held the event in early October to celebrate its joint supply chain sustainability achievements. It gave members of the supply chain, like VGC, the chance to talk about our experience, and show how we are working with

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24 November 2017

ATC stand-down day health check success

More than 140 people took advantage of VGC’s offer of free health checks at an ATC stand-down day this month. As part of ATC’s energisation stand-down day, VGC commissioned K2 Associates to provide free health checks to all the attendees. The offer was very popular, and 146 people received one-to-one consultations. Health test results Everyone

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13 November 2017

Investment in infrastructure is welcome

Chris writes: I am pleased that the government has confirmed its commitment to delivering the high-quality infrastructure needed to sustain a competitive and productive economy. Last year the National Infrastructure Commission became an executive agency of government. This decision set the scene for a spending programme that will sustain employment over the next ten years. This

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6 November 2017

Additional benefits from behaviour-based safety

Our ongoing commitment to health and safety is producing an unexpected extra bonus. As well as improving site safety culture, ‘Be Safe by Choice with VGC’ has promoted dialogue between staff. VGC’s Be Safe by Choice behaviour-based safety programme includes the appointment of workplace safety champions, our key influencers. The programme equips key influencers with

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6 November 2017

Explore Your Horizons networking for young people

Kim writes: On 19 October I took part in the Explore Your Horizons networking event for young people. The event was organised by Team London, the Mayor of London’s volunteer programme, and held at Lords Cricket Ground in St John’s Wood. The MCC, the Local Enterprise Partnership for London (LEAP) and the Careers & Enterprise

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24 October 2017

Guest blog: Samaritans

James Woodcock, Samaritans corporate fundraising manager, writes: Statistically, construction workers across the industry are at higher risk of suicide than average. An ONS survey, Suicide by Occupation, released in March this year, found that manual workers in construction are at 3.7 times greater risk of suicide than their peers in other sectors. Some people find

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4 October 2017

Supporting the EPIC programme

Kim writes: A few months ago the Mayor’s Fund for London asked me to participate in their ‘EPIC’ programme, run with Serious about Youth (SAY). ‘EPIC’ stands for Employment Preparation Intensive Course. It is a two week course held at the Stephen Lawrence Centre in Deptford, south London, for 16-25 year olds who have left

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