20 August 2020
Company staff meeting 13 August 2020
We held our first ever online staff update meeting in August, with staff joining on MS Teams from around the country.
15 July 2020
Beware of coronavirus scams
Criminals are exploiting the coronavirus outbreak - UK citizens have lost over £7 million to coronavirus-related scams. Here are some of the latest.
6 July 2020
Hobbies, music and nature make you happier
Research results show that taking up a hobby, being outside close to nature, and listening to music can all help make people happier.
26 June 2020
Construction Leadership Council site operating procedures
The Construction Leadership Council has set out new site operating procedures to keep construction sites operational wherever it is practical and safe.
21 June 2020
VGC staff photographs
Thank you to everyone who has sent in photographs of what they are doing during the coronavirus outbreak - please keep them coming.
20 June 2020
Sleeping in a heatwave - 20 tips for keeping cool
If you're struggling to sleep during the heatwave, here are 20 ways to keep cool, from sheets in the fridge to opening the loft hatch.
17 June 2020
Staff mental health survey results
Responses to our mental health survey suggest staff are looking after their mental health by getting fresh air, talking to friends, and taking exercise.
20 May 2020
Keeping mentally healthy - adapting to the new normal
Life is now significantly different to before coronavirus. What may have been looked upon as unusual was, within a matter of days, the new normal.
18 May 2020
Mental Health Awareness Week - a blog by our wellbeing ambassador
For Mental Health Awareness Week, VGC's wellbeing ambassador Fiona Dowling offers tips for getting through these difficult times.
14 May 2020
A14 C2H reopens eight months early
Congratulations to everyone involved in the A14 C2H project, which has opened to traffic eight months ahead of schedule. The permanent roadworks have been removed, and the national 70mph speed limit restored. This was originally scheduled for December 2020. While the road has reopened, further works will continue, requiring temporary off-peak and overnight closures. Other
11 May 2020
Staying healthy
As coronavirus becomes the 'new normal', it's easy to settle into unhealthy habits. We've collated some websites with advice on looking after your health.
10 May 2020
Art competition winners and gallery
Congratulations to the winners of our art competition. Each winner received a £20 gift voucher and you can admire all the entries here in our gallery..