21 June 2020

VGC staff photographs

Thank you to everyone who has sent in photographs of what they are doing during the coronavirus outbreak - please keep them coming.

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20 June 2020

Sleeping in a heatwave - 20 tips for keeping cool

If you're struggling to sleep during the heatwave, here are 20 ways to keep cool, from sheets in the fridge to opening the loft hatch.

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17 June 2020

Staff mental health survey results

Responses to our mental health survey suggest staff are looking after their mental health by getting fresh air, talking to friends, and taking exercise.

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20 May 2020

Keeping mentally healthy - adapting to the new normal

Life is now significantly different to before coronavirus. What may have been looked upon as unusual was, within a matter of days, the new normal.

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18 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week - a blog by our wellbeing ambassador

For Mental Health Awareness Week, VGC's wellbeing ambassador Fiona Dowling offers tips for getting through these difficult times.

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11 May 2020

Staying healthy

As coronavirus becomes the 'new normal', it's easy to settle into unhealthy habits. We've collated some websites with advice on looking after your health.

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10 May 2020

Art competition winners and gallery

Congratulations to the winners of our art competition. Each winner received a £20 gift voucher and you can admire all the entries here in our gallery..

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6 May 2020

Thank you to our coronavirus heroes

Thank you to all our coronavirus heroes, who go the extra mile, either deep cleaning to keep colleagues safe, or helping out other people.

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2 May 2020

Staff mental health survey

Please fill in our staff survey to tell us how you are coping with the coronavirus outbreak. Your answers will help us to support everyone's mental health.

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30 April 2020

Sleep tips

COVID-19 has changed life for all of us, and that may have affected your sleeping patterns. We've collated some advice to help you sleep better.

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