25 April 2020

Free online learning courses

Coronavirus could be a good time to learn some new skills. If you'd like to take the opportunity to do some extra learning, here are some online courses.

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24 April 2020

How COVID-19 is affecting me and VGC

Ciara's update on how she and VGC are coping with COVID-19. "We will get through this, and we will be stronger as a business and as people, as a result."

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22 April 2020

Coronavirus myths

There is a lot of fake coronavirus news around - some of the myths, and where you can go to find the facts, before you share something that may not be true.

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20 April 2020

Looking on the bright side

This is a difficult time, but to stay mentally healthy we need to look on the bright side, however hard that sometimes is.

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16 April 2020

Updated information about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (80% pay)

Updated information about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, also called the 80 per cent pay entitlement - what we know so far.

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31 March 2020

Places where you can get financial advice

We have collated a list of places which offer financial advice for people who are worried about their finances during the coronavirus outbreak.

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27 March 2020

Seeing the positives at a challenging time

Ciara writes about seeing the positives at this challenging time, including finding new ways to work which may transform flexible working in the future.

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27 March 2020

Information about pay during the COVID-19 outbreak

The latest information about the government coronavirus job retention scheme, sick-pay, and funding for people who are self-employed

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26 March 2020

Working from home

VGC people across the country are working from home to support our workforce and clients during the coronavirus outbreak.

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24 March 2020

Social distancing

Social distancing means keeping apart from other people to reduce the transmission of coronavirus and keep you, your colleagues, and your loved ones safe.

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